Last Saturday C and his Dad finished our shed. It is so nice not to have to cover our 4 wheelers when we are done riding them, worrying that the exhaust pipe is going to melt a hole in the cover. I love being able to just pull in and be done. I like having a place for the lawn mower and go kart. I'm excited to have my garage 4 wheeler free this winter.
We finally had 2 days without rain so C was able to mow the lawn for the last time this fall. We got all of our hoses and drip system put away for winter.
Fixed the fence in the back yard. The horses tore it apart trying to get to our grass. Put a strong wire across the top that will hopefully keep them from damaging the fence again.
C got his elk a couple weeks ago. We were able to get that all cut, wrapped, and put in the freezer.
The only thing we are lacking is getting the garden tilled under and ready. We are hoping it is dry enough tonight to do that. It is supposed to snow tomorrow and I'm not sure if we are going to get another chance.
Are you ready for winter?
1 comment:
Not even close to being ready. We still have so much outside stuff to do. However, I believe our weather is much more mild here. I guess that's one advantage to living in the desert. I still have that same feeling of urgency though.
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