Yesterday some people were doing a cattle drive down our street. Some of the cows took off down into the field next to our house. So I thought it would be helpful if Buckie and I walked up to the top of our lane to try and keep the cows on the road. They got the cows back on the road and headed towards Buckie and I. Buckie barked and all but one ran across the bridge and were on their way. One cow decided that it was tired of walking. Two of the herders were pushing this black Angus and it tried to turn down our driveway. I start waving my hands and Buckie barks. Well cows don't like dogs and Angus's have a heck of a temper and it decided to try and charge me. I put my hand out and let go of the leash so Buckie could run away from the cow and wasn't tied down to a certain point.
Luckily the cow was extremely tired from the drive and it really didn't get me that good. Two of the herders said that it was probably Buckie that made her charge. Well we did stop her from going down our lane. They were able to push her across the bridge and the oldest gentleman told everyone else to go and stay with the rest of the cows and he would stay with this one. Buckie and I walked back down to our house and we started telling C our experience. He said he saw the whole thing and when he saw the cow charge me he was off the ladder and on his way up to help because he didn't want me to get hurt. While I was talking to C. I looked up to the road and saw the older man tumbling down the road. The cow had just run him over. C then hopped on his 4 wheeler and took off to help him out. C's dad, who was over at our place splitting wood, thought they could use his help and hopped on his 4 wheeler to help out as well.
They would push the cow with the 4 wheeler. If anyone tried to get close to it it would try to run them over. It chased the other man around C's 4 wheeler quite a few times. The man then asked if C had a lariat so C raced home and grabbed his rope and headed back. They tried to just throw the rope over the cows head but it really didn't like that and they couldn't get the rope to cinch down. C decided to try and rope it. He succeeded on the first try. As soon as the rope was over the cows head it decided to try and charge C. C jumped on his 4 wheeler and it rammed the side of it. C got the rope tied around his 4 wheeler and tried to pull the cow. C's dad was behind it pushing it along with his 4 wheeler. The cow was fighting really hard. They had only gone about 20 feet when the cow decided it had had enough and laid down. C immediately backed up to loosen the rope. The cow gave a few gasps and died. C was feeling really bad. Another rancher came by and said that he had seen cows have a heart attack after fighting so hard. It definitely made for and interesting experience.
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