Friday, December 18, 2009
We are the champions!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Can you tell Buckie really doesn't like his bath? He is always so cuddly trying to talk me out of giving him one.
He is always so good to hold still for me though.

He always gives me each paw.
He really enjoys being put down though.
And he never forgets about the treat he gets when his bath is done.
But he always dries off on my pillow. I think it is his way of getting even with me for bathing him.

He is always so good to hold still for me though.
He always gives me each paw.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
It was a MONDAY!!
Yesterday, C n' I were in SLC for a clinic appointment for C. It was bright and early so we stayed at my brother's place Sunday night. I dropped C off at the hospital around 8:15 so he would have time to find the clinic's since the hospital has been adding and moving rooms around.
My brother M asked if we would go to Lindon and pick up some fencing parts for him, so that is where I was headed. There was a traffic accident in Pleasant Grove and the traffic was backed up to Lehi. It took me 2 hours to get to Lindon and when I arrived my brother had NOT called ahead and they had no idea what I was supposed to pick up. Him and his wife were already on the plane so both of their cell phones were turned off. I called my mom to see if she knew anything and she said no. The people there took an educated guess and I left. Luckily my Mom had called one of my brother's employees and he called me and I had the wrong ones so I turned around and headed back to the store. Luckily I wasn't that far away yet. THANKS MOM!!
On my way to the hospital to get C. he called me to say that his P.F.T's were 2 points lower than when he went into the hospital last year and they really wanted him to stay. He really needed to and my Heavenly Father must have known because for some reason the company that he works for had their plane at his work and was going to be coming back to SLC at 2. All of the people C works with packed everything up for him and even added a care package, THANKS A!!!, so he would be able to work from his hospital room. However, we hadn't planned on him staying so he wasn't packed for this at all. I get to go back there on Friday with the things he needs.
I wanted to head home early enough that I didn't have to travel in the dark. On our way to SLC a deer had decided to run into the side of my car and rip off the side mirror and put little dents down the whole side of my car. Just as I was leaving the check engine light comes on. There isn't very good cell service on the way home and I didn't want to be stranded so I took my car in. They told me it would be about 2-4 hours. Aaaarrrrggghhh. My SIL came and picked me up thank goodness and took me in for 2 hours, THANKS L!, then I was finally on my way. Needless to say I drove home in the dark and I did see some deer I guess it helped me stay awake though because every time I saw one the adrenaline started pumping.
Man am I glad that today is Tuesday and going a lot better!!
My brother M asked if we would go to Lindon and pick up some fencing parts for him, so that is where I was headed. There was a traffic accident in Pleasant Grove and the traffic was backed up to Lehi. It took me 2 hours to get to Lindon and when I arrived my brother had NOT called ahead and they had no idea what I was supposed to pick up. Him and his wife were already on the plane so both of their cell phones were turned off. I called my mom to see if she knew anything and she said no. The people there took an educated guess and I left. Luckily my Mom had called one of my brother's employees and he called me and I had the wrong ones so I turned around and headed back to the store. Luckily I wasn't that far away yet. THANKS MOM!!
On my way to the hospital to get C. he called me to say that his P.F.T's were 2 points lower than when he went into the hospital last year and they really wanted him to stay. He really needed to and my Heavenly Father must have known because for some reason the company that he works for had their plane at his work and was going to be coming back to SLC at 2. All of the people C works with packed everything up for him and even added a care package, THANKS A!!!, so he would be able to work from his hospital room. However, we hadn't planned on him staying so he wasn't packed for this at all. I get to go back there on Friday with the things he needs.
I wanted to head home early enough that I didn't have to travel in the dark. On our way to SLC a deer had decided to run into the side of my car and rip off the side mirror and put little dents down the whole side of my car. Just as I was leaving the check engine light comes on. There isn't very good cell service on the way home and I didn't want to be stranded so I took my car in. They told me it would be about 2-4 hours. Aaaarrrrggghhh. My SIL came and picked me up thank goodness and took me in for 2 hours, THANKS L!, then I was finally on my way. Needless to say I drove home in the dark and I did see some deer I guess it helped me stay awake though because every time I saw one the adrenaline started pumping.
Man am I glad that today is Tuesday and going a lot better!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sheering the Sheep
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Super Saturday
Today our ward did it's Super Saturday. I chose to make these "Family" and "Love" signs. They are supposed to just stand up on a shelf but I put hooks on the back so I could hang them on my wall. I only had enough hooks for the family sign. C hung them for me and I think they look great. I'll have him hang the rest on Monday when I can get more hooks.
Friday, October 23, 2009

Last Saturday C and his Dad finished our shed. It is so nice not to have to cover our 4 wheelers when we are done riding them, worrying that the exhaust pipe is going to melt a hole in the cover. I love being able to just pull in and be done. I like having a place for the lawn mower and go kart. I'm excited to have my garage 4 wheeler free this winter.
We finally had 2 days without rain so C was able to mow the lawn for the last time this fall. We got all of our hoses and drip system put away for winter.
Fixed the fence in the back yard. The horses tore it apart trying to get to our grass. Put a strong wire across the top that will hopefully keep them from damaging the fence again.
C got his elk a couple weeks ago. We were able to get that all cut, wrapped, and put in the freezer.
The only thing we are lacking is getting the garden tilled under and ready. We are hoping it is dry enough tonight to do that. It is supposed to snow tomorrow and I'm not sure if we are going to get another chance.
Are you ready for winter?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Yesterday some people were doing a cattle drive down our street. Some of the cows took off down into the field next to our house. So I thought it would be helpful if Buckie and I walked up to the top of our lane to try and keep the cows on the road. They got the cows back on the road and headed towards Buckie and I. Buckie barked and all but one ran across the bridge and were on their way. One cow decided that it was tired of walking. Two of the herders were pushing this black Angus and it tried to turn down our driveway. I start waving my hands and Buckie barks. Well cows don't like dogs and Angus's have a heck of a temper and it decided to try and charge me. I put my hand out and let go of the leash so Buckie could run away from the cow and wasn't tied down to a certain point.
Luckily the cow was extremely tired from the drive and it really didn't get me that good. Two of the herders said that it was probably Buckie that made her charge. Well we did stop her from going down our lane. They were able to push her across the bridge and the oldest gentleman told everyone else to go and stay with the rest of the cows and he would stay with this one. Buckie and I walked back down to our house and we started telling C our experience. He said he saw the whole thing and when he saw the cow charge me he was off the ladder and on his way up to help because he didn't want me to get hurt. While I was talking to C. I looked up to the road and saw the older man tumbling down the road. The cow had just run him over. C then hopped on his 4 wheeler and took off to help him out. C's dad, who was over at our place splitting wood, thought they could use his help and hopped on his 4 wheeler to help out as well.
They would push the cow with the 4 wheeler. If anyone tried to get close to it it would try to run them over. It chased the other man around C's 4 wheeler quite a few times. The man then asked if C had a lariat so C raced home and grabbed his rope and headed back. They tried to just throw the rope over the cows head but it really didn't like that and they couldn't get the rope to cinch down. C decided to try and rope it. He succeeded on the first try. As soon as the rope was over the cows head it decided to try and charge C. C jumped on his 4 wheeler and it rammed the side of it. C got the rope tied around his 4 wheeler and tried to pull the cow. C's dad was behind it pushing it along with his 4 wheeler. The cow was fighting really hard. They had only gone about 20 feet when the cow decided it had had enough and laid down. C immediately backed up to loosen the rope. The cow gave a few gasps and died. C was feeling really bad. Another rancher came by and said that he had seen cows have a heart attack after fighting so hard. It definitely made for and interesting experience.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Nieces and Nephews
In January I received a phone call from my mom. She told me that she was praying that all of her married children would get pregnant in 2009. Well it was cold in January and everyone ended up with baby fever. I don't know if it was my mom's prayer or if everyone thought it would be fun to be pregnant together but soon my sister J announced she was expecting, then my brother M announced, they just had twin girls. In February my bother L's wife had a baby boy. A few months later my sister T announced they were due in January.
This just left my brother D and his wife, and C n' I. The pressure was on and man there were a lot of tears on my end. I'm sure on D's side as well. We both have been trying for so long, it just didn't seem fair that the others tried for a month and it didn't take any effort at all on their part. I know the Lord sends each of us different challenges but that is exactly what this is, a challenge.
The year is now ending and I have 3 new nephews, my sister B now has a step/son, and 2 new nieces. Last night I received a great phone call. My brother D just announced they are expecting in May. So my mom still has 2 grand babies yet to be born.
I'm excited for everyone to be pregnant and having babies. However it is also really hard. I want a baby so bad it hurts. I can usually bury those feelings for long amounts of time. However the feelings are getting harder and harder to bury and it's hard not to feel a little jipped. I'm tired of crying and Buckie isn't cuttin' it anymore.
This just left my brother D and his wife, and C n' I. The pressure was on and man there were a lot of tears on my end. I'm sure on D's side as well. We both have been trying for so long, it just didn't seem fair that the others tried for a month and it didn't take any effort at all on their part. I know the Lord sends each of us different challenges but that is exactly what this is, a challenge.
The year is now ending and I have 3 new nephews, my sister B now has a step/son, and 2 new nieces. Last night I received a great phone call. My brother D just announced they are expecting in May. So my mom still has 2 grand babies yet to be born.
I'm excited for everyone to be pregnant and having babies. However it is also really hard. I want a baby so bad it hurts. I can usually bury those feelings for long amounts of time. However the feelings are getting harder and harder to bury and it's hard not to feel a little jipped. I'm tired of crying and Buckie isn't cuttin' it anymore.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
C 'n I bought Buckie a harness for walks while we were in Idaho. Every time we put a leash on his collar he starts to choke and is thrown into a fit of not being able to breathe. Our vet told us small dogs are susceptible to having their trachea collapse, and suggested we buy a harness. C put the harness on him and he acted like he'd just had his man-ness taken away. His tail between the legs it was sad. C decided to take it off and he immediately did this.
He was so upset with C he wouldn't even look at him. Funny Dog!!
Pocatello Fun!!
C n' I went to Pocatello to visit with my grandma who is going to be moving to Washington this next month. As an added bonus we got to see my sister and her 5 children this weekend too!! We had so much fun. We played games, went shopping, had humongous milkshakes, and we went rollerskating. Man I love family!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I'm trying to win this.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
C. n' I went to see my family this last weekend. We had so much fun!!! We went down to bottle lots and lots of tomato juice. We bottled 132 quarts of juice split between 5 of us. It made the house really hot but it was fun canning with my mom and my sisters. Canning with family really beats canning by yourself.
We also went down for my new nephew's baby blessing. I had so much fun cuddling him. I even got to go to the beauty shop while holding him. He is super cute and all of his sister's are so happy to have a brother. It was so fun playing with the nieces and visiting with my family. I wish my family and I lived closer together.
We also went down for my new nephew's baby blessing. I had so much fun cuddling him. I even got to go to the beauty shop while holding him. He is super cute and all of his sister's are so happy to have a brother. It was so fun playing with the nieces and visiting with my family. I wish my family and I lived closer together.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Week of fun!!
I got to have 4 of my nieces this past week. We had so much fun. We rode horses alot. They really enjoyed them this time. We let the 2 oldest ride them by themselves. We rode the 4 wheelers and go karts. Went raspberry picking, and climbed a huge hill and slid down it. The girls thought that it was so much fun. I was sad to take them back to their parents. But I get to see them next week!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
This weekend marks the centennial year the "Tabernacle," our stake center, was built. The Church here is having all sorts of activities to celebrate the special occasion. This morning they had a 10.5 mile bike ride from the rock quarry to the Tabernacle. We thought it would be lots of fun to try it. We made T-shirts that had the names of C's relatives that were alive in 1909.

WE MADE IT!! Even my Father in-law who is 70 years old made the whole trek. He had my MIL meet us at different points along the way in their car just in case he wasn't up for the whole thing but he was.
When we got up in the morning it was really windy and it looked like it was going to rain. We decided to go up to the starting line to see what it was like. Turns out I liked the overcast skies. It made it so I wasn't overly heated during the ride. But I have to say that my tush is a little sore. Definitely have not ridin' bikes enough this year.

When we got up in the morning it was really windy and it looked like it was going to rain. We decided to go up to the starting line to see what it was like. Turns out I liked the overcast skies. It made it so I wasn't overly heated during the ride. But I have to say that my tush is a little sore. Definitely have not ridin' bikes enough this year.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Fourth of July Weekend
C n I had an awesome weekend with my sister and her family. Any spare minute we had the girls wanted to go 4 wheelin and go karting. K had so much fun driving the go kart by herself. We went to a gravel pit just across the creek to just ride around.

After lunch on Friday they wanted to ride horses. They really enjoyed that but they wished they could ride them by themselves. However, my horse leads really good, and we had only ridden them once this year because of all the rain so we didn't dare turn them loose. Side note: which turned out to be a good thing because when C n I went riding on Tuesday night we had a rodeo with her. The darn horse.
We then had a break in the clouds to light off a few fireworks before it started pouring down rain. We forgot to light the rest of the fireworks off the next night. Next time you guys come up we'll have to light the rest of them off.

Sunday, June 21, 2009
My rhubarb was really big this year. It was time to pick it for the first time this year. I started at one end and when I pick it, I cut off the leaf and the end of the rhubarb. Then I would throw it in a cleaned out garbage can. I was just about 1/3 way through when the rhubarb decided to bite me.
Ok, It wasn't the rhubarb. As I was cutting off a leaf I got a little too close to my finger with the knife. I just have to say I love how sharp my pamper chef knifes are. It was cutting the rhubarb like butter. However, this is the deepest cut I've ever had. I probably should have gone for stitches. I ran inside and stuck it under water. It scared me when I realized the blood was coming out quicker than the water could wash it off. I grabbed some paper towels to wrap around it and ran outside to ask C for help. He applied direct pressure for a half hour to get the bleeding to stop. It hurt really bad. C is really good in first aid and he wrapped it for me, then sent me outside to finish with the rhubarb.
I got my rhubarb all juiced and it looks really pretty. I have to admit I'm glad that it's all done.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Garden pics
My garden is looking awesome. Since it has been so cold lately C decided to build me a mini green house for my tomatoes and squashes. I love it.

The rest of my garden doesn't look quite as spectacular but it still looks good. However, having to cover it every night because the temperature is too low is not very fun. It makes gardening a whole lot more work.
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