C recently acquired the lung flute. It is a great tool that he uses to help keep his lungs clear so he can breathe. C has CF and has to take a lung treatments every morning and evening, the treatments take an hour each time. He added the flute to his treatments about 3 weeks ago. He loves it. He feels that he can breathe better which is a very good thing. It does make him cough though.
Last night C was using the flute while I was reading to him, when he starts coughing I stop reading because he can't hear me while he's coughing. Weel C started coughing and before I had time to stop reading all of a sudden I heard a loud bang on the floor. I throw my book down because C is lying on the floor and a chair he had tried to use for support was lying next to him. His whole face is red, his eyes flutter and then he stops breathing. Scared me to death. I go to check for a pulse and his eyes open and he start breathing again. He passed out while coughing. C apologized for not breathing, he said he did that on purpose trying to suppress the coughing. I told him I was just glad he was alright. Needless to say he sat on the bed while he finished his treatment last night.
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