Saturday it was so beautiful outside. We decided to take the 4 wheeler's out for a spin. We went up to a great fishing hole that C's Dad loves to fish at. The road goes up a really nice canyon, the road is dirt and spring was definitely in the air.
The road was muddy from the melting snow. On the first bend in the dirt road there was a humongous puddle. This puddle covered 3/4 of the road. We avoided easily on 4 wheeler's but if a car was to go it would have been half in the puddle and half on the dry road. We avoided the pot holes on the way up the canyon. We didn't want to get to cold. Half way up the canyon we ran into patches of snow. It was really fun to ride over the snow. One of the snow ruts was deep and I thought I was going to be thrown off of my quad. It was fun driving. We made it to the 2nd pond and C and J wanted to see if they could go farther. A and I stayed there and talked. We were afraid of getting stuck and C and J had wenches on their 4 wheelers.
After a while we heard them coming back and snow flying. Then, all we heard was engines. We walked around the bend in the road and saw that they were both stuck in the snow. Ha Ha Ha. J was able to get himself unstuck with the help of his wench. However, C wasn't close enough to any trees to hook his wench to. So J turned around and they hooked their 2 wenches together. With J moving backwards and C reeling his wench in they were able to get out. It was at this point A and I were really glad we didn't go with them any further up the canyon.
On our way out we hit all of the mud puddles. I was covered. We all had the idea of hitting that last HUGE puddle really hard and splashing through it with all we had. The way we were driving was A, me, J, and C. A hit the puddle first.I was watching her and I had just started through the puddle when the water grabbed hold of her 4 wheeler. I watched as it pulled her sideways and then the force started to roll her. It went all the way over her and landed on the other side. I swerved and went out of the puddle. J saw the last roll and was off his 4 wheeler and to A before I even had mine stopped, The motivation of seeing your spouse in an accident. I grabbed her goggles which were knocked off of her head and was floating in the puddle. C came around the corner and was asking what happened. A was just sitting in the puddle. Everyone was trying to decide if anything was broken. A got tired of sitting in the puddle and asked for help up. C and J helped her over to a 4 wheeler and then J checked her out to see if anything was broken. C. tipped their 4 wheeler back upright. A wanted to just go home but J made her lay down on the 4 wheeler for the shock to wear off a little.
Luckily, nothing was broken. She is really bruised up. She said her leg is really stiff today and she is now using crutches to get around her leg is bruised so bad. The 4 wheeler is actually in pretty good shape. One of the side mirrors broke off. The handle bars and a tie rod were bent but that is all the damage it took. All of the plastic and hand guards are all in tact still.
This puddle we thought was a couple inches deep turned out to be a good foot deep. No one thought it was that deep. A was put all the way under the water.
At the end of the day we are all glad that we are safety conscious and always were our helmets.
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