Monday, March 9, 2009


C n' I

J and C

This last weekend my SIL and BIL came over with their snowmobile. We have a big field next to our house and they invited us to play with them. This was my first time on a snowmobile so I thought I'd let C take me for a ride first. As I was getting on I told him to please not dump me off. We hadn't even moved 10 feet and this happened. J. had just tipped it back upright.

So needless to say I didn't ride with C. anymore. I think it hurt his feelings a little bit. Well after that we had fun just riding it. However, we found a little hill so this is what transpired after that.




Me. I know I don't have much air, but at least I tried


Austin said...

Fun! I have never been snowmobiling.

Rett, Terah, Eliza, and now Ava! said...

Hi Sarah - of coarse i remember you. You where one of my best friends growing up and an awesome person to boot! how could i forget those sleepovers on the tramps and toilet papering together - lol
Thanks for writing on my blog and thanks for your support. This has been the hardest thing ive ever had to deal with. I just wish it was happening to me and not my child i feel a bit helpless.
But thank you for your prayers - I hope you and your husband are doing well also. Love ya TERAH