Thursday, May 1, 2008


The warm weather finally came, for 2 days, and we took advantage of it. We went 4-wheelin with another couple up swift creek. We didn't get very far and we ran into snow. (suprise suprise) Well, we decided we were going to try drive on top of the snow. It was really fun going up and over the snow slides that covered the roads. We still didn't get very far before there was too much snow to go over. We turned around and headed back.
When we got back to the 1st snow, the turn around spot for trucks that pulled snow mobliles up there to ride, C. went to turn so he wouldn't hit the truck that was parked in the way, right as the snow went really soft and he tipped the 4 wheeler right on its side. Luckily he had enough sense to put his feet on the seat to stop the momentum of it from rolling onto him.
Then I came around the corner and saw the bottom of his 4-wheeler and he pops up and waves with a smile on his face. It was all I could do to not start laughing at him. His hip is not bothering him anymore so that's good.

1 comment:

Austin said...

Sounds fun. Glad he wasn't hurt bad.