My rhubarb was really big this year. It was time to pick it for the first time this year. I started at one end and when I pick it, I cut off the leaf and the end of the rhubarb. Then I would throw it in a cleaned out garbage can. I was just about 1/3 way through when the rhubarb decided to bite me.
Ok, It wasn't the rhubarb. As I was cutting off a leaf I got a little too close to my finger with the knife. I just have to say I love how sharp my pamper chef knifes are. It was cutting the rhubarb like butter. However, this is the deepest cut I've ever had. I probably should have gone for stitches. I ran inside and stuck it under water. It scared me when I realized the blood was coming out quicker than the water could wash it off. I grabbed some paper towels to wrap around it and ran outside to ask C for help. He applied direct pressure for a half hour to get the bleeding to stop. It hurt really bad. C is really good in first aid and he wrapped it for me, then sent me outside to finish with the rhubarb.
I got my rhubarb all juiced and it looks really pretty. I have to admit I'm glad that it's all done.