Friday, February 27, 2009
It's Back!!
Well, Our lake is back. We thought it wouldn't be that big of a deal, like last year. We didn't really have a problem with all of the water right there so we decided we would wait one more year before we would fix it. Oops, we were wrong. I'm just glad it was C. that did this and not me!! Ha Ha

We will definitely get this problem fixed this summer!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It has been raining for the the past 24 hours here. I like it because rain helps the snow melt faster. Well, our driveway is pretty long and we have to go around C's aunt garage. Our driveway is also just dirt. We have pushed lots of snow but the snow has packed down on the dirt. With all of the rain it has made our driveway one slushie mess. I made it to work and I though C. was leaving the just after me. I just got a call and I've been at work for 45 minutes.
Me: Hi
C: You'll never guess what I did.
Me: Did you get stuck in the driveway?
C: Yes. I was doing good then I got to the side of G. garage and I sunk.
Me: That's funny.
Me: Hi
C: You'll never guess what I did.
Me: Did you get stuck in the driveway?
C: Yes. I was doing good then I got to the side of G. garage and I sunk.
Me: That's funny.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Home Improvement
This weekend was very productive. C's Uncle came over and helped us wire our basement. It took all day, which I didn't expect, but it was well worth it. We just had to pay for the material and we bought lunch for his Uncle. It is nice to have a few connections. C. n I decided that if we finished the basement a little at a time that would be good.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
1 Year
1 year ago C and I decided to get a dog. I had been having a really hard time emotionally about not being able to have any children yet. We had been married for seven and a half years. C decided that we should go to the temple and get some much needed inspiration. We left on a friday and we got into a great session in the temple. Then we grabbed some dinner and we stayed the night at a hotel.
On saturday we decided to do a little shopping before we went home. We went to walmart and right as we turned into the parking lot there was a little boy holding a sign "Puppies for sale" C asked if we could look at them. They were so cute. Pure bred Toy Poodles. That is the breed of dog we had agreed we would get if we ever had a dog because they don't shed and they aren't so big that they bowl you over when they greet you.
I wasn't sure I wanted a dog. However, my excuse to C. was always that we didn't have a place for one. We had always lived in apartments. They just weren't allowed. Well, we had just gotten into our new house and I no longer had an excuse. I was also in an emotional state so I said yes. Buckie just jumped right up to C. and it was a done deal. It was the best thing we could have done. I know that my Heavenly Father showed me that weekend that he truly loves me and will help me out in unexpected ways. Buckie has been such a joy in our lives. He is spoiled but is a very good dog. Some of the tricks he can do is speak, sit, lay, roll over, put 'em up, and play dead. Buckie thanks for coming to our home.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Walking Stick
When C was in the hospital my family came to visit him. While there my mom mentioned that she wanted to get my sister a walking stick. We told her that C can make really cool walking sticks and that way it wouldn't cost her as much to buy one. We then gave her options. Did she want her name? What would she like on the top? So she decided to have C carve a dog's head onto the top and then have her Name on the side. C just finished it and I think it looks great.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
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