Monday, April 7, 2008


I play volleyball on our city league. It is tons of fun and it's nice to be able to get out of the house once a week. Especially in the winter since there isn't much to do in the winter in Wyoming. It is nice because the company I work for sponsors us and so we don't have to pay anything to play. Well tournaments were this last wednesday and we took third.
PS the lake in our front yard is now gone. We still have all the snow but at least there is no lake. Yeah!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


We got to go to Elko this last weekend to visit my family. It's a nice 7 hour drive but we stopped in Salt Lake and picked up my brother and his wife to go along with us. When we got there we found out that my sister Rebecca had just bought our nieces a little motorcycle. Well I had fun riding it also.
Kamysha was riding it and we told her that maybe one day she'll ride it fast. Well then she came back with,"I was riding fast." I could of walked right beside her. I enjoyed visiting with my family.